How to get started with Zndux
The features of Zndux (ZND)
for zndux to function properly, their are unique factors that contribute to that
Name: who and who is engaging
Location: in what area or community is it happening
type of service: why are they engaging
Mode of access: where are they engaging themselves or how do they find themselves on zndux e.g. whatsapp, ussd, zndux app etc.
Witness: who is the trust factor in that location in case of dispute
for effective Machine learning of the behavior of everyone
Remark: how well are you satisfied after you have been networked
Return: will a customer store a service provider on zndux trust pilot if satisfied
Activities of Zndux; what can zndux do (ZND)?
NEED-A-SERVICE: a feature that connects a user(ZNDER) to the service/product needed. their are defined products within zndux service
PICKUP: A feature that allows a user (ZNDER) to request the service of logistics from a pickup location, it encompasses order request too.
Getting started as a user (ZNDER)
ON ZNDUX; Everyone begins as a user; then you can apply to be a ZNDENT, to be a znder, you literarily dont need a sign up or sign in process, regardless of the channel available for you to use for request. all you need is the following
request a service that you need.
if you get a result, that is because their is an Agent (ZNDENT); that has discovered your environment (Z COMMUNITY), and (ZNDOR).
so congrats, you can continue using zndux all your life as a user, or you take a step further to be a ZNDENT, ZNDOR OR ZNDTOR
Getting started as an Agent (ZNDENT)
Types of agent (ZNDENT)
POS TERMINAL :- Major recognised community kiosk point. they discover ZNDOR in a community, they serve as customer service, providers, on registration, marketing materials is supplied to email box. and are paid for every transaction that are carried out in a Z community for life.
Steps to becoming an agent
To be a Zndent, you have to be a user first. then apply. dont worry their is no complexity in becoming a user. using your preferred channel, its as simple as a click of a button to apply to be a zndent or a simply "hi" message on your preferred channel. to be a zndent, do the following
click on apply to be a zndent on the website or here,
provide the details and click the service you want to discover for zndux.
there are no logins, or signup except when You are applying to be a zndent. all correction and discoveries comes in form of application.
what ever you discover, you start earning on every transaction that you discover in your (Z community) for life.
the future of ZNDENT can include building a team; this can be legal team, strong room, treasury etc.
Getting started as a Service provider (ZNDOR)
Types of zndor
ARTISANS: Mechanics, Plumbers, Electricians, Welder, Shoemaker, Bricklayer, Rewire, AC etc.
HOUSEHOLD SERVICES: Laundry, house cleaning, rodent & reptile fumigation, car wash etc.
LOGISTICS: delivery services, riders, etc.
VENDORS: Food vendors, Stores, Newspaper vendors etc.
SMEs: fashion designer, etc
PROFESSIONAL SERVICE: Doctors, Therapist, Psychologist, etc
the list is limitless but starting with the above
Steps to be a zndor
NB: it is important that a ZNDENT registers a ZNDOR; you will have to provide the best available channel to reach you. the kind of service you want to provide and when you will be available in a day: morning, afternoon, night, all day or all night
That been said;
click on apply to enlist as a ZNDOR.
wait for approval. and complete KPIs.
Getting started as an investor (ZNDTOR)
be a znder
then click on invest.
select category of investment
make payment.
Last updated