Get started with Zndux, starting from the Defination
Zndux is the network platform where all activities is carried out
Zndux paraphrase "ZND"; verb; singular; used as an action word, (plural: ZNDUX)
e.g John 'znd' the AC repair, that is why he could quickly get it fixed.
example 2 ; conversational:
JOHN: i need to repair my AC, it needs maintenance.
TOM: "znd" it using your whatsapp or use your whatsapp to "znd" it
in literal meaning, it is used to reference the action or occurence of ZNDUX
usually the end user (a customer), that uses zndux solution
someone who use zndux service
an Artisan, Vendors, Professional Practice, Enterpreneurs, Businesses, Therapist, Doctors, Pharmacist etc. that are registered on zndux network, to be discovered by a znder
categorised as vendors of Zndux, providers of services on the network
this are contributors to the zndux network; they are AGENTS, MARKETERS, REFERRALS that contributes to the network.
they discover locations, ZNDOR, and contribute it to the network, the network can vote to accept a contribution or decline it.
the investors of zndux, can be private or public i.e. known or unknown
can invest in clusters of features or invest in the full solutions
A said community where zndux activities takes place
Last updated